mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Un avant-goût de la très belle installation en VR de Claire Brunet:

Artist conceptor: Claire Brunet

Sound Design: Mathieu Marcoux
VR Design: Sidecar studio
Software: Touch Designer Teaser :12sec

Full VIVE VR Experience duration: 20 mins Project description: Trans: duRéel auVirtuel is a virtual reality (VR) experience that explores the concept of identity through diverse artistic mediums inside an immersive environment. A sense of self is conveyed throughout the experience, underlining the present time when technological developments are broadening the notion of identity. The project builds on different indoor and outdoor approaches to 3D scanning technology, including body digitizing, to create figurative sculptural forms that are experienced by the viewer as objects of introspection in virtual space. Through scanning technology, I aim to appropriate objects of meaning that convey a deep sense of cultural identity. During an artist residency in Newfoundland, I scanned a traditional handbuilt wooden fisherman’s boat from Labrador: a piece of cultural heritage abandoned on land. The sudden passage of flying live salmons is meant to bring into question the current state of marine life, whose living condition reflects the legacy left to future generations. Using body digitizing, I aim to capture the person’s inner strength and personality. When 3D scanning people, I look for this inner connection that brings life to the digital data. Objects in the VR composition are sculptural forms meant to be explored from the inside out. The user metaphorically dives into the person’s personality. The audio and visual content are experienced simultaneously to impact the VR users’ perception when physically moving through the different scenes. The radio noise, heard when users enter the space surrounded by vintage photographs, is used to make reference to a past time and obsolete technology. In contrast, in the last scene the sound emphasizes the concept of deconstruction of the medium at play, actualising a futuristic digital landscape. The audio and the visual are experienced as a shared poetical function.

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